[WM]HTC Sense 롬에서 RAM 확보하기
원본 소스 : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=925945
1) 사용하지 않는 탭 비활성화 - 각각의 탭은 자신만의 RAM을 사용합니다. 탭들을 끄면 센스를 빠르게 할 뿐만 아니라 적은 RAM을 사용합니다
설정 탭 비활성화:
설정 페이지에 있는 숫자가 있는 폴더를 찾습니다. (PageName = Manila:/settings.page).
Enable 값을 1 에서 0으로 바꿉니다.
사용하지 않는 서비스 비활성화:
- AppointmentService
- AudioManagerService
- CameraAlbumService
- Contacts
- HomeService
- LauncherService
- Messaging
- SettingService (먼저 Settings Tab을 비활성화)
- TwitterService
- WeatherService
- WorldClockService
- YgosrvService (주식 탭)
service.dll을 servicexxx.xxx(xxx는 마음대로) 바꿉니다.
한번에 다 하려고 하지마세요, 서비스 한개 끄고 그리고 센스 UI를 테스트하세요(재시작/비활성화 , 홈스크린에서 활성화)
예시 : 어떤 이유로 AudioManagerService 의 이름을 바꾸면 홈스크린은 작동하지 않고 센스 UI는 켜지지 않습니다
2) HTC Volume Control 비활성화 - 2MB의 RAM을 확보합니다. 포스트의 끝에 추가
3) Manilia Dialer 비활성화 - 10MB의 RAM 확보,
두 레지스트리 키를 삭제합니다.
그러면 WM 기본 다이얼러를 쓸수 있습니다.
주의 : 만약 돌아가고 싶다면 레지스트리 키를 미리 백업해두세요!
4) Kill AlbumSearcher.exe and AudioSearcher.exe - Saves up to 6mb RAM
After using Music/Photo Tabs, use MMTaskmanager (attached to end of post) and kill these .exes. Don't worry, they won't cause any damage to your phone.
5) Don't Use Landscape Mode - using Landscape mode has to load up all the individual tabs again and takes more RAM up. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila]
"EnableLandscape"="true" - Change ''true'' to ''false''
6) Try not to use Manilla Mods! - a pretty self-explanatory one, but i tend not to use these as they make the device unusable for me and freeze my phone up alot. They are great apps though!(e.g - Co0kie's Home Tab) They were built in mind for the HD2 with 576mb RAM. They are nice UI's but would you rather have more RAM to run more apps?
9) Disable Start-Menu in WM6.5.x - Saves 10-25mb RAM
Disable it but install Miro's startmenu replacement OR Kenia1234 Start-Menu Replacement which uses no RAM!
10) Disable WM6.5.x Lock Screen - Saves 5mb RAM
Uses the default WM6.1 lock screen which uses no RAM. Start > Settings > Lock > Windows Classic
11) Disable HTC Notification Manager - Saves 4mb RAM:
HKLM\Services\NotificationManager\Flags = 4
12) Disable HTC Notifications Enhancer :
HKLM\System\Shell\Notification\OEM\UseDefaultUI = 1
Remove HKLM\System\Shell\Notification\OEM
13) Disable HTC Menu :
HKLM\System\GWE\Menu\CUIHandler = 0
14) Disable HTC Date Picker :
Remove the key : HKLM\System\GWE\Commctrl\CustomDateTimeCtrl
15) Disable HTC Task Icons (battery, signal level...) & Pin Dialer :
Remove the key : HKLM\Security\ResOver\Bitmaps
16) Use 'lighter' ROMs - Using WM6.1 uses less resources than WM6.5. I find using WM6.1 I have more RAM, speed and better benchmark performances than WM6.5. I use this on my TG01. (used to on Touch HD)
17) Close programs when not in use! :P - Cannot believe I left this out in the other updates, but this is the most obvious one! Close apps when you really don't need them.
18) Use Standard WM Taskbars. i was using some custom Taskbars a few months back. Although they look great, I foud out they take up RAM. I decided to go back to the standard WM taskbar. 2mb RAM saved.
19) Disable Sense Temporarily When Running Heavy Apps - I found out that Opera Mobile 10 takes up a whooping 50mb RAM in use! With Sense + Opera running I have a mere 9Mb RAM to play with. So a simple tip, disable Sense in the today settings or 'mskips Today Screen Switcher' when using opera. When you finish browsing, simply enable it again. This also increases battery performance.
More to come... If you have any, please post in this thread!
NB: These could also potentially increase battery performance! Feel free to share your experiences in the thread
Check out post 2 for the warnings and problems... If in doubt, don't use them! :P
P.S- If you use these, please hit the Thanks Button, it will be much appreciated!
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